● 旧東海道の道筋

● 生麦魚河岸通り
● JR鶴見線国道駅

● 道念稲荷神社

● 生麦事件碑

● キリンビール横浜工場

Tsurumi town trivia stroll society
4th. “ The route of the Old Tokaido Street & Kirin Brewery Yokohama factory “
● The route of the Old Tokaido Street
The Old Tokaido Street runs from a bridge over the Tsurumi River, known as the Shio Tsuribashi Bridge before the Edo period, under the Keikyu Line tracks at Keikyu Tsurumi Station, through the Tsurumi Ginza shopping street, over National Route 15 and on to Namamugi Market.
From there, the street continues to the Kirin Brewery Yokohama factory, where it retains its old-fashioned appearance.
● Namamugi Fish Market Street
Namamugi Fish Market Street was established around the time of World War II as a black market for local fish in what was once a fishing town before the Second World War.The black market was started by people who wanted to sell and buy freely without a permit during the war, when food supplies were rationed due to shortages.After World War II, the market became a cooperative and became famous as a market offering delicious conger eel from Tokyo Bay.
And there is also famous for the conger eel Ipponage, which is sold at the Namamugi Old Tokaido Festival held every November.
● JR Tsurumi Line Kokudo Station
Opened in 1930 as a station of the Tsurumi Rinko Railway, the predecessor of the JR Tsurumi Line. The station was named Kokudo Station as it faces National Route 15. The passageway under the station has an abandoned atmosphere and is popular with tourists as it’s a scenery not found in other stations.
● Donen Inari Shrine.
This is the birthplace of the ‘Snake and Mosquito Festival’, in which evil spirits are said to have been sealed in a snake body made of straw and floated into the sea.
The Snake and Mosquito Festival is held on the first Sunday of June.
● Namamugi Incident Monument
At the end of the Edo period, a Satsuma clan member cut down and killed an Englishman who was watching a procession of feudal lords of the Satsuma clan on horseback for being rude to him.
This led to a war between the Satsuma clan and the British, which the Satsuma clan lost due to the superior weaponry of the British and their different fighting styles.The Satsuma clan had previously opposed diplomatic relations with foreign countries, but this made them realise the strength of foreign countries.
The Satsuma clan thought that the Japanese people needed to learn about the technological capabilities of foreign countries, and reversed their previous opposition to opening the country to the outside world, resulting in the Meiji Restoration.The Namamugi Incident was one of the triggers for this.
● Kirin Brewery Yokohama factory
The Kirin Brewery Yokohama Factory was the first beer factory in Japan, established by Americans in the early Meiji period for foreign residents of Japan, and was taken over by Kirin Brewery.And of the nine Kirin beer factorys in Japan today, the Yokohama factory was the first to produce Kirin Beer, which was launched in 1888.